Digital Signage Tips - the FAQ series
Telecine is a pioneer in digital signage. We have always considered that a key part of our mission is to share as much of our professional knowledge and experience as possible. One such project that has been on our backburner for a while now, is a series of videos to better explain key aspects of Digital Signage to users at all levels. Think of it as our attempt to respond to FAQs, to help explain best practices and highlight the huge potential of Digital Signage done right. Given the current situation, we appear to have a little spare bandwidth to work on this, so we are diving into this fun project. There will eventually be perhaps a dozen videos, but here are the first topics we are working on:
Dynamic Data – What is it and how can it help with the challenge of ‘feeding the beast’?
Audience Measurement – Want to know who is watching? How can you use this information for good?
Templates – How you can leverage the significant benefits of digital signage templates.
Display Hardware – So many options... how do you decide?
Proper Planning – What are best practices when embarking on a DS project?