The Telecine Holiday Event
The shoemaker has no shoes…is a worn out excuse we use far too often… but it is possible we over-corrected this year! We have now installed screens in our building of almost every kind, shape and size… they are EVERYWHERE. But wait… there’s more.
For the first (and very possibly the last) Telecine Holiday Event… we installed 14 more screens visible from OUTSIDE… for our Holiday project titled: Don’t DREAM it… DO it! The world premiere was on Tuesday night. Our staff and neighbours were smiling throughout.
Our goal and hope is that it makes you smile too… as you head out the door towards a fantastic holiday… and a healthy and happy New Year.
We count ourselves extremely fortunate to work in this medium at a time where… if you dream it… you CAN do it. We can’t wait to see what fun dreams are ahead for all of us in 2016.
Thank you for being our friend.
James and the Telecine Team